Sedalia Area Tourism Commission
Historic Katy Depot * 600 East Third Street * Room 216
Sedalia, Missouri 65301
Who Can Apply for Funding?
First time applicants must establish proof of eligibility:
Non Profit Status - To qualify for Lodgings Tax funding an organization must be established in Pettis County as a nonprofit organization in good standing with the State of Missouri, or a subdivision or department of Pettis County government, or of a city government within Pettis County, or the State of Missouri government and meet all other requirements. A Certificate of Incorporation from the Secretary of State must be submitted and will be kept on file.
Organization promotes tourism - Applicants must provide proof that their organization’s primary purpose promotes Sedalia as a visitor destination (DMO); is a year round visitor destination located in Pettis County; or sponsors a multi day event demonstrating ability to draw overnight stays to the Sedalia area. This purpose must be reflected in the mission statement, bylaws, etc. of the applicant organization.
Incorporated for two (2) years - Organizations must have been incorporated for at least two (2) years and must provide annual reports or financial statements for the two (2) previous years.
The Sedalia CVB Visitor Services Program is designed to support a variety of multi day events such as competitions and conventions for those organizations who do not meet the above eligibility.
Once eligibility is established The Tourism Commission extends the invitation to submit proposals for funding through the CVB. The Tourism Commission reserves the right to request additional or updated information at any time in association with pending requests for funding.