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What is Expected of Participants?

Requests for Funding

The Tourism Commission will receive request for funding on an annual basis. At the conclusion of the annual funding cycle, reserve funds will be set aside as contingency for the purpose of funding special projects that might arise during the year.

The request for funding consists of a two page application and submission of attachments.

Page 1 contains project name, contact information, project description, method used to determine the results of the project, and reference to project leverages, and summarizes the required attachments.

Page 2 provides detailed line item information by various marketing or development catetories including target market, vendor, product detail, and budget amounts.

All requests must be submitted electronically to the Tourism Commission’s email address ( utilizing the template provided by the Tourism Commission.

Following the 5 pm, September 1 deadline for submission, applications will be reviewed for completeness before being forwarded to the Tourism Commission for review.

A representative of the organization is expected to meet with the CVB Board as Sedalia's designated Destination Marketing Organization.

Funding decisions may or may not be made at this meeting. All applicants will be notified of results of the evaluation process by November 30.

Requests for Reimbursement

A Request for Reimbursement Form will be provided electronically to grant recipients following award of grant. Up to twelve Requests for Reimbursements may be submitted during the year. Requests for Reimbursement received by the 15th of the month will be processed by the 30th of the month. Those received after the 15th will be processed the following month.

Complete the form as it relates to the line item budget as approved. Submit electronically

along with invoices. Invoices must provide detail of services and goods provided including the date of the service, cost per unit, and a total cost. For radio or television spots, an affidavit of broadcast times must be part of the invoice to assure the services were received. Each invoice should have written on it from which category it is to be paid. Invoices for printed material should include a distribution statement. Attach copies of all products to corresponding invoices.

Line item amounts may vary up to 20% from the approved project budget amounts. However, the total amount may never be exceeded. A line-item variance greater than 20% requires submission of a letter explaining the proposed changes and justification. Subject to preapproval, a budget variance may be submitted to the CVB at to fund unexpected cost overruns arising during the grant project. The CVB will review the variances and make a determination.

A final project summary should be attached to the final request for reimbursement.

Applicants will not be eligible for future funding if the report is not submitted.

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